Should you build a legacy business?
Self-employment and building a business are not the same things. In both cases, the founders are entrepreneurs and are playing a critical role in the economy. The difference comes in when those founders want to go off and do something else. In a self-employment situation, the founder does all or almost all the work. This is typical of small services …
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Should you build a legacy business?
Self-employment and building a business are not the same things. In both cases, the founders are entrepreneurs and are playing a critical role in the economy. The difference comes in when those founders want to go off and do something else. In a self-employment situation, the founder does all or almost all the work. This is typical of small services …
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The Startup Junto Ep4: Snapt
In a podcast packed with insights from a startup founder and VC specialist, Episode 4 of The Startup Junto is a must-listen for startup founders and VCs alike. Snapt is an application delivery startup that services an international client base from South Africa, where the company was founded. Having successfully raised VC funding early in its journey, Snapt famously managed …
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Product market fit: the ultimate risk-killer
I recently read a Tweet by Michael Seibel, the Managing Director at Y Combinator and co-founder of the world’s leading live streaming platform Twitch, that went along these lines: “Too many founders want to outsource the discovery of product/market fit to their employees. This is a mistake. You don’t outsource the most important goal of your company.” The concept of …
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The Startup Junto Ep1: SnapScan
We are thrilled to introduce the second podcast in The Finance Ghost’s ecosystem: The Startup Junto. Your host, The Finance Ghost is joined by The Venturing Vagabond in engaging with startup founders, investors and managers, as we seek to broaden our collective understanding of this critical part of the business landscape. If you aren’t sure what the difference is between a …
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The Startup Junto Ep1: SnapScan
We are thrilled to introduce the second podcast in The Finance Ghost’s ecosystem: The Startup Junto. Your host, The Finance Ghost is joined by The Venturing Vagabond in engaging with startup founders, investors and managers, as we seek to broaden our collective understanding of this critical part of the business landscape. If you aren’t sure what the difference is between a …
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The Startup Junto Ep1: SnapScan
We are thrilled to introduce the second podcast in The Finance Ghost’s ecosystem: The Startup Junto. Your host, The Finance Ghost is joined by The Venturing Vagabond in engaging with startup founders, investors and managers, as we seek to broaden our collective understanding of this critical part of the business landscape. If you aren’t sure what the difference is between a …
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A startup strategy: rolling with a battleship
- Startups
Airbnb, Craigslist, eBay, Google, Hannover RE, Hannover RE, Lireas, Netscape, Old Mutual, PayPal, Pineapple Insurance, Podcast, SnapScan, Sonder, Standard Bank, Startups, The Startup Junto, Yahoo
- December 17, 2020
We are on the cusp of releasing a new startups-focused podcast series at The Finance Ghost, in which we have discussions with founders, operators and investors who are willing to share deep insights and interesting stories with us. The podcast will be called The Startup Junto and in Episode 1 we interviewed the CEO and CFO of iconic homegrown startup …
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A startup isn’t the same as a small business
The Finance Ghost is thrilled to introduce you to our newest contributor, The Venturing Vagabond. A vagabond has no home and usually no job, travelling from place to place. Our resident vagabond (oxymoron intended) uses that time to his advantage, committing himself to reading widely and learning as much as possible about his favourite topics: startups and venture capital! Take …
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