Phantom Shares: A Right Royal Deal

Phantom Shares is my weekly summary of the more interesting stories and themes from the prior week on the JSE. It is first published in the Daily Maverick 168 newspaper on a Saturday and then in Business Maverick each Monday. It is reproduced here with the permission of Daily Maverick.   the_ad id=”3223″ A Right Royal Deal When an asset looks …

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Phantom Shares: A Tale of Two Tsogos

Phantom Shares is my weekly summary of the more interesting stories and themes from the prior week on the JSE. It is first published in the Daily Maverick 168 newspaper on a Saturday and then in Business Maverick each Monday. It is reproduced here with the permission of Daily Maverick.   the_ad id=”3223″ A tale of two Tsogos In mid-2019, Tsogo …

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Phantom Shares: Gold shining and MTN smiling

Phantom Shares is my weekly summary of the more interesting stories and themes from the prior week on the JSE. It is first published in the Daily Maverick 168 newspaper on a Saturday and then in Business Maverick each Monday. It is reproduced here with the permission of Daily Maverick. the_ad id=”3223″ All that glitters It’s finally happening. Gold is shining …

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Phantom Shares: The party trade is here

Phantom Shares is my weekly summary of the more interesting stories and themes from the prior week on the JSE. It is first published in the Daily Maverick 168 newspaper on a Saturday and then in Business Maverick each Monday. It is reproduced here with the permission of Daily Maverick.   the_ad id=”3223″ The party trade is upon us If Covid …

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Magic Markets Ep47: Supply Chain Pressures

With supply chains around the world clogged up and companies scrambling to navigate their way through the mess, there have been clear winners in the process like Grindrod Shipping. Is it wise to chase those winners, or to look for the companies that are ready to pounce once the supply chains catch up to demand? In Episode 47 of Magic …

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Magic Markets Ep42: Herenya September

It’s time for #HerenyaSeptember with the brilliant Petri Redelinghuys of Herenya Capital Advisors. This month, Herenya comes on board as a brand partner. We will spend September focusing on the nuts and bolts of trading, along with the realities and the risks involved. In the first show, we discuss the trading community that Petri and the team have built at Herenya. His focus …

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Magic Markets Ep41: Commodity Economy

The commodity economy is playing out in front of our very eyes, not just in South Africa but in other important African jurisdictions as well. The obvious impact is on mining companies themselves, but there are other South African companies that have benefitted along the way, like MTN. In an inflationary environment where Fed Chair Jerome Powell seems quite comfortable …

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Magic Markets Ep40: The ETF Expert

The leading ETF expert in South Africa is Nerina Visser. Magic Markets hosts The Finance Ghost and Mohammed Nalla (Moe-Knows) had the pleasure of hosting her on Magic Markets in Episode 4 and they were excited to welcome her back for Episode 40! In this show, some of the more technical elements of ETFs and ETNs are discussed. For example, there are important differences …

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