Rolling the dice on Descendis Health
The company is actually called Ascendis Health, but one look at a share price chart and you’ll understand why I laughed when an ex-banking colleague called it Descendis Health in a chat we had a few weeks ago. With a nod to his genius, I’ve borrowed the name. If there was ever a poster child for a high-risk acquisitive strategy …
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Rolling the dice on Descendis Health
The company is actually called Ascendis Health, but one look at a share price chart and you’ll understand why I laughed when an ex-banking colleague called it Descendis Health in a chat we had a few weeks ago. With a nod to his genius, I’ve borrowed the name. If there was ever a poster child for a high-risk acquisitive strategy …
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Rolling the dice on Descendis Health
The company is actually called Ascendis Health, but one look at a share price chart and you’ll understand why I laughed when an ex-banking colleague called it Descendis Health in a chat we had a few weeks ago. With a nod to his genius, I’ve borrowed the name. If there was ever a poster child for a high-risk acquisitive strategy …
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Magic Markets Ep3: Touch my junk (bonds)
- Magic Markets, Podcasts, South Africa
Credit, Debt, Downgrade, Fitch, Government bonds, Junk status, Moody's, Ratings agencies, Standard and Poor's
- November 27, 2020
In the third episode of Magic Markets, we ask you to touch our junk. Well, our junk bonds. To be more precise, we unpack the role of ratings agencies and why investors use them to rate government and corporate bonds. Join The Finance Ghost and Mohammed Nalla of as we answer these questions: What do ratings agencies do? Why …
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World’s largest oil company needs debt to fund dividends
Debt. It’s like that “rough” close friend you had at school who was great to have in your corner during a fight, but who would ruin your chances of being made a prefect. Used correctly, debt is incredibly powerful. It can be the difference between success and failure. Used incorrectly, it can also be the difference between success and failure. …
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Real-world personal finance – podcast
In my second appearance on the Honest Money podcast, I get personal about money. Some of the topics covered include: The real cost of having a baby Using debt to buy shares A discussion on good vs. bad debt in general A framework for tracking your financial progress This is real-world stuff and I really hope you find it interesting …
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Kicking the (oil) can down the road
Sasol is up 600% since the share price collapsed in March. It’s down 11% over the past two days. This gives an idea of how nervous investors are about the company after the latest financial results were released. Sasol is my single largest exposure in my portfolio. That’s not because I bet the farm on the stock, but because I …
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Deal-It-Yourself: Cashbuild takes a risky punt
In challenging times, companies often decide to stick to their knitting. They dispose of non-core businesses, especially when those businesses are underperforming and are dragging on shareholder returns. The cash is often used to pay down debt, de-risk the group and allow for complete focus on what the group is actually good at. This exact playbook has been used by …
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Land Bank: the SOE crisis outta nowhere
Another day, another SOE crisis, right? This one is a little different. Before delving into the reasons for the current crisis at the Land Bank, let’s take a brief look at its background. the_ad id=”3223″ Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) DFIs are set up to support private sector initiatives in key sectors. Certain sectors are of such importance to a country …
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The debt virus is tough to treat
Investment analysis is hardly ever as simple as it initially seems. People are too quick to assume that an entire sector is going to do very well from a specific event. Let’s take healthcare as a topical example. With hospitals overflowing and medical infrastructure buckling under pressure in many countries worldwide, one may be quick to assume that companies in …
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