Magic Markets Ep5: GDP – we shake the tree
All great startups must evolve with time and Magic Markets is no different. We’ve decided to do two shows per week, because there’s so much to talk about and we are having a lot of fun This also means that each episode will be shorter, which means you’ll find it easier to find a gap in your day to listen …
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Magic Markets Ep5: GDP – we shake the tree
All great startups must evolve with time and Magic Markets is no different. We’ve decided to do two shows per week, because there’s so much to talk about and we are having a lot of fun This also means that each episode will be shorter, which means you’ll find it easier to find a gap in your day to listen …
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Magic Markets Ep5: GDP – we shake the tree
All great startups must evolve with time and Magic Markets is no different. We’ve decided to do two shows per week, because there’s so much to talk about and we are having a lot of fun This also means that each episode will be shorter, which means you’ll find it easier to find a gap in your day to listen …
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MTBPS: the deficit is deafening
Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) – just reading it out loud is more of a mouthful than Finance Minister Tito Mboweni’s finest roast chickens on Twitter. This is different to the annual budget speech which presents the country’s finances for the next financial year. The MTBPS gives context to the budget speech for the forthcoming year, giving the market details …
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The -51% GDP headline is misleading
Whoever writes the Stats SA GDP report wasn’t messing around this week. Reminiscent of Finance Minister Tito Mboweni’s rather colourful Twitter feed, the report opened with the following line: “The punch in the gut was severe.” When a governmental statistics agency writes with such emotive language, you know things are rough. The report immediately goes on to note that “perhaps …
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The -51% GDP headline is misleading
Whoever writes the Stats SA GDP report wasn’t messing around this week. Reminiscent of Finance Minister Tito Mboweni’s rather colourful Twitter feed, the report opened with the following line: “The punch in the gut was severe.” When a governmental statistics agency writes with such emotive language, you know things are rough. The report immediately goes on to note that “perhaps …
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GDP: Let’s get real
- South Africa
Coronavirus, COVID-19, Economics, GDP, Inflation, Nominal GDP, Nominal Growth, Real GDP, Real Growth, South Africa
- March 25, 2020
You’ve probably heard the term “GDP” many times before, but do you actually know what it is and why it is so important? ???????????????? ???????? ????????????? This isn’t the simplest concept in the world, so let’s start with the basics. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product, which (despite the name) has nothing to do with your baby’s nappy. Instead, it …
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