World’s largest oil company needs debt to fund dividends
Debt. It’s like that “rough” close friend you had at school who was great to have in your corner during a fight, but who would ruin your chances of being made a prefect. Used correctly, debt is incredibly powerful. It can be the difference between success and failure. Used incorrectly, it can also be the difference between success and failure. …
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Dividends make a comeback
Dividends have been thin on the ground this year. Remember, a dividend is a cash distribution of profits to shareholders. Dividends are typically declared twice a year, coinciding with the release of interim and final results. In an average year on the JSE, the average company might return say 12% in share price growth and 3% in dividends. It’s therefore …
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Metair, but not met dividend
There’s a lot going on at Metair, ranging from a cancelled dividend through to fascinating potential corporate actions. It’s worth spending some time learning about this company that supplies a range of automotive components through companies in South Africa and Eastern Europe. the_ad id=”3223″ Declare. Defer. Defer again. Defend. Back in March, Metair announced a gross dividend of 120 cents …
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