Berkshire Boomers – can they adapt?

The Berkshire (Hathaway) duo, none other than Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, have been in the news this week. With Buffett at just 90 years old and Charlie Munger at a sprightly 97 years old, even TikTokkers almost feel bad when they throw the “ok, Boomer” line at these elderly statesmen of the investing community. Boomers were born between 1946 …

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Is the IPO market too hot?

The market operates in cycles. Things heat up; things cool off. When people tell you to “look through the cycle,” they are referring to the need to ignore the short-term fluctuations and invest in high-quality companies that will do well over an extended period. I often reference Microsoft as a powerful example of this. It is the only company that …

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