WeWork’s American Dream
Since its inception, America has grounded itself in its founding ethos: that any American from any walk of life can succeed, as long as they’re willing to put the work in. Or, as it’s more commonly known, The American Dream. At the heart of it is the unshakeable belief in the “fresh start” and reinvention. They’re steadfast that it doesn’t …
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Oh yes, I’m the Great Pretender
Ever felt like you got to where you are today because you’re lucky? Humility may be a beautiful character trait, but be careful that it isn’t impostor syndrome rearing its ugly head, especially if you are a high achiever. Queen’s hit song “The Great Pretender” reminds us of some of the challenges of impostor syndrome. As Freddie sang…“Too real is …
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Oh yes, I’m the Great Pretender
Ever felt like you got to where you are today because you’re lucky? Humility may be a beautiful character trait, but be careful that it isn’t impostor syndrome rearing its ugly head, especially if you are a high achiever. Queen’s hit song “The Great Pretender” reminds us of some of the challenges of impostor syndrome. As Freddie sang…“Too real is …
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Too many Chiefs? A lesson for start-ups
One of the core principles in designing a great racecar is to achieve a low centre of gravity. Start-ups should learn something from this. Top-heavy cars don’t handle well. The weight is all in the wrong place. At an extreme, they can topple over. There’s a reason Formula 1 cars aren’t shaped like toasters. The same principle applies to start-ups, …
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