Car market fires on all cylinders in Q3

One of the themes in the latest raft of corporate earnings is that the automotive sector’s engine is starting to rev again. The driver of the recovery is China, with the horrors of lockdown seemingly long forgotten. Western nations are dealing with renewed pandemic issues, as countries like the UK get locked down again. The purchase of a new car …

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Tesla: best quarter in history

Tesla has released its much-anticipated Q3 results. “Alright, so Q3 was our best quarter in history.” Those were the opening words of Elon Musk on the Tesla Q3 earnings call. A sales record combined with free cash flow of $1.4bn is certainly impressive, but as ever I remain concerned about the hype around this company which does not operate in …

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Beware of Robinhood

This may sound like a fairytale, but it could have an unhappy ending. Robinhood is the US stockbroking app that has driven an influx of literally millions of (particularly younger) investors who have bought American stocks on a fractional ownership basis. Fractional ownership is the same principle that Easy Equities uses locally, which allows people to invest a specific amount …

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Beware of Robinhood

This may sound like a fairytale, but it could have an unhappy ending. Robinhood is the US stockbroking app that has driven an influx of literally millions of (particularly younger) investors who have bought American stocks on a fractional ownership basis. Fractional ownership is the same principle that Easy Equities uses locally, which allows people to invest a specific amount …

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